Donate to Agape Care Foodbank

Based in Spalding

For all the financial donations received this Christmas and throughout the year, we extend our deepest thanks. Every penny has helped us face the challenge of rising food demand, particularly during the early months when the community struggled with surging energy costs. As we look to the future, our gratitude remains with each person, organisation, and group that has donated. Your giving keeps our mission alive: to offer hope and relief to those who walk through our doors in their time of need.

Financial Donations

To make a donation or standing order, log in to your online banking and set up your payment to this bank account:

  • The Lighthouse Church Spalding
  • Account Number: 00037184
  • Sort Code: 40-52-40
  • Quote reference: your first name and surname

If you have set up or amended your standing order, please email us so we can identify your gift and thank you.

If you are a UK tax payer, you can also fill out a Gift Aid form to boost any donation by 25% for free! You would only need to do this once.